Liwot (maps)
Lotonoia : konak tanuskaf liwot (some original maps)...
Jadif liwot (General maps) :
Lotonoia : tuwavaliwot (physical map)
Lotonoia : voeem (rivers and hydrography)
Watsaf liwot (Thematical maps) :
Lotonoia : galda is koleem (federal state and counties)Lotonoia : saneliafor is widavuca (density and urbanization)
Lotonoia : muvara (rainfalls)
Rembureraf liwot (Transportation maps) :
Lotonoia : keloteem (railroads)Lotonoia : vawudeem (highroads)
Lotonoia : severosarveem (inner airlines)
Tula va tuliwotayana rea iku xo (Examples of mapped cities or places) :
Wernik : rea kene taltefa krimta ; nubewava (Wernik : a city on the west coast; manual image)Wernik : widavistexo ; nubewava (Wernik : city center; manual image)
Dovi : ewalama kaike taltefa krimta (Dovi : a little island off the west coast)
va boremon jontik ar... (and many others soon...)